Friday, May 15, 2009

Im thinking its a good time to have ryder

so as i watch the weather and see that it is getting hotter and hotter i think well even tho i didn't want to get induced but had to because of my stones, There is one other thing, Im not going to burning up!
We are all ready for him and tomorrow were going to go to carters because they have the matching slippers that goes with his robe lol! I know im just a big wierdo.
Other than that we have the arrangments made for where my pups will be during the labor and my husband schedule all worked out. Now its just time for me to get nervouse and excited! :)


Howells Fam said...

So when is the date? We're excited to meet him, remember to do some posting (maybe Jarred will have to do it) as soon as he arrives, I'll be anxiously awaiting!

Howells Fam said...

Okay, so I just read further down and I answered my own question, but the rest still applies... Good luck!