Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I love him soo muCh!

Ryder is the best thing in my world! I can't explain how much i love him and how much he means tooo me!!!! I have this overwhleming love for him! hes my world and growing like a weed. i love watchin him grow its amazing!

pics of family with ryder

just want to get pics up of ryder! hes growin like a weed!

sorry these post are messed up but here fathers day!

So on fathers day we had a big family BBQ and it was a nice a day. It was jarreds first fathers day! it was an awesome day! ryder got his daddy a barbque and a nice frame with two of them together!

Heres the 4 th july pics

Ryder 4 th of JULY! his first!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

family pic when ryder 1 month!

2 months old!

Wow my lil man is 2 months old. this is going so fast! hes smiling and giglling its soo cute. here are some family pics!