Thursday, December 3, 2009

sorry no pics just updates

again sorry so long. I just have such a hard time to remind myself to get one here :). Ryder is now 6 months old, and i just don't believe it. We had his 6 month check up and he was 19 pounds and 6 oz! yup I got a big boy on my hands. He has both bottom teeth and as of right now his two top have came threw and he alawys is WORKING on crawling YUP he gets on all fours and rocks back and forth its soo cute. But sad too Just makes me think that my baby isn't wanting to be a baby for long. I call it the love hate relationship :) He loves to sit up on his own and just play with his toys, He has only rolled over once and just doesn't care to do it anymore. Ha hes taking after his mommy. I feel so blessed with how happy he and how great he is. Everywhere i go i get told does he act like that all the time and im like YUP!
Jarred and I are both doing great getting ready for christmas which is my favorite time of the year! We did make a change in our house hold tho we decided to give bella away to lynn a freind from work which had to have been the hardest thing we did but its for the best. She was very jeolous of Ryder and doing great at lynns. She hasn't chewed one thing up over there, thats the BElla i know! As for work jarred is still enoying his job and as for me not so much. Not that I don't like what I do because I do but I need to work on days My babyboy doesn't want anyone else at night and im sick of knowing all he does is cry when im not there and yes i have heard for the last 6 months it will get better, but its not and i don't think me workign nights is the best thing for our family so since i can't get days at my current job now im looking and interviewing at different places. So keep my fingers crossed. Well sorry this was soo long but i keep getting everyone asking and emailing me for updates and soon pics of Ryder man will come too